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Hi - my husband has noticed an area about the size of a 20cent piece on his upper chest that becomes puffy every now and then.  He mentioned it to his GP today when getting his 3-monthly hormone injection and the doctor said "oh that is just part of your prostate cancer" or at least that is hubby reported it to me.  Has anyone experienced something similar and if so, do they have maybe an explanation that makes more sense than the one given to my husband today?

Many thanks

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Never heard anyone remark of this occurrence.  Sounds like GP has no idea either, so passing the buck to your husband's Urologist or Medical Oncologist.  Worth runnning by either to see if they have any idea.

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The only thing I can think of is perhaps a small hernia as a result of robotic prostectomy. I have one. Other than that I guess the doctor should have explained or been asked what she/he meant. 


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The 20cent sized swelling is in upper chest, not lower abdomen and without a lot more details I doubt anyone could guess / diagnose what the swelling is. An MRI might show more.

I had a hernia for 20 years in groin area and bits of guts would poke out, and I'd have to push it all back in. I had an op to fix that bother at 50. 

I hope everyone is having a good holiday time, apart from having to put up with the smoke from bushfires.

I cannot help think that my problems are insignificant compared to those who have lost everything in the fires.

Patrick Turner.  

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Wishing you and all my Aussie friends well, Patrick, and a healthy and prosperous New Year to all as well!


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Chuck, thanks for your good wishes for the coming New Year.

May you also have a happy healthy and successful new year fighting this disease that unites us all on this site.

Your timely and considered comments are something I always look forward to reading.

Best Wishes


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