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Under-60 Advanced Prostate Cancer Peer-Led Virtual Group


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In recent years, particularly in the US, we have seen an explosion of men diagnosed with de novo advanced prostate cancer, whether metastatic or non-metastatic with lymphatic involvement or disease outside the prostate capsule. Many of these men are younger, late 30's to late 50's, and for them the regular forums do not address several of their more specific concerns.


AnCan and UsTOO have come together to host a monthly peer-led virtual support group specifically to address the interests and needs of younger men diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. The group meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday at 4 pm Pacific and can be joined online or by phone - local access numbers for Australia are available. All our virtual groups are free and drop-in. For more information please visit https://ancan.org/prostate-cancer/ ; joining instructions and a local access number are available at http://www.ancan.org/joining-instructions/. You can also sign up for an e-mail reminder for this and all our other groups at www.ancan.org . 

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Although almost 62, I was 46 when first diagnosed. I would really recommend guys in the age group you mention especially here in Australia to get involved with local support groups. There really is a need to get these people sharing there experiences in group forums. I am working hard with my local group to try and be more diverse not only in age but also cultural backgrounds. It is so powerful when people can speak face to face to share their experiences.

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Thank you @GregMac.


One issue we do hear is that the general PCa groups don't cater to specific interests, and  men leave frustrated. That  is not to say face-to-face conversation is at fault; but the participants don't really feel their need is being met. For example younger men get frustrated listening to old fogies. 


We now run 8 PCa groups a month - from AS all the way to U-60 Advanced Disease and everything in between. As Jim knows, we have had active Aussie participation for years .... Paul Hobson GRHS was a regular in our High Risk/Recurrent/Advanced group when he went through his Lu177 trial.


Whether it is virtual or physical, I think we all agree there is no substitute for peer experience. 


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