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The Ironman registry: a new way of doing science in prostate cancer.


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Jim Marshall (not a doctor) said ...

Movember and others have started a new way to study prostate cancer.

Clinical trials usually focus on one thing and just answers one question - does a new pill work, perhaps, and gathers only the info needed to answer this question. The selected group of patients is just big enough to be sure of the answer.

Once that trial is over, that's generally it.


The Ironman registry, on the other hand, enrolls men and follows their complete journey, mostly from diagnosis with metastases.

Ironman gathers as much information as possible about all things that may affect a man's journey. They collect information from the men and their doctors.

Researchers will be able to answer many questions over the next few years by looking at the information (including blood samples) on the 5,000 participants.


Executive team member Tony Maxwell has been liaising with Movember about Ironman on our behalf for a few years now, and it is exciting to see it coming into being.

... end Jim


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Another wonderful global initiative!


Thanks Jim & Tony for sharing the site details and keep up the great work...your vigilance offers hope to many!


I, for one, will be registering with Ironman to share my advanced PCa journey via this study group having recently met their criteria (recurrent PSA post-RARP > 0.2 micrograms).



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This looks really interesting and I would love to be involved but after following several links I am still unsure how to register for it. Can you provie any guidance on the registration process? Thanks, this is very encouraging news. 

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