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A few milestones I missed


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Celebrate milestones! is the advice.

But I forget when the time comes up.

Better late than never!

  • June 23 was 10 years since diagnosis for me. (Never expected I would ever say that!)
  • My Gleason score in advanced prostate cancer YouTube video clocked 50,000 views a week or so ago.
  • David's story - 7 years with metastatic prostate cancer video clocked 40,000 views a little before that.
  • And Alicia Morgans series about prostate cancer in the bones clocked 28,122 views last time I checked.

Those videos, in case you haven't seen them:

Click the picture to play.


Gleason score in advanced prostate cancer



David's story - 7 years with metastatic prostate cancer



One of the Alicia Morgans series on prostate cancer in the bones




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