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TPD Insurance Cover Options


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Hi all, about to retire next year (62) and looking at TPD insurance.

TAL will not cover me as although PSA is low (0.277) it is rising. Had prostectomy in 2016, radio in 2018 and unfortunately still have rising PSA.

Need to be in remission for 6 years before they'll cover.

Has anyone found a more lenient Insurance company?

Thanks for any pointers!


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I can’t suggest an insurance company.  But I’m not sure you’ll get cover at all.  Doesn’t TPD cut out when you retire?  If you plan to retire next year, I’m not sure what the point would be. 


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I agree with Steve - maybe better to talk to a financial planner at this stage of life if you haven't already done so. The money you would pay for premiums might be better invested/saved. The premium would be extremely high.

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