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Metformin vs curcumin for hormone therapy (ADT) in prostate cancer: Snuffy Myers video


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Jim Marshall (not a doctor) said ...

  • There is some hope that curcumin has some anti-prostate-cancer action. But there is no phase III clinical trial evidence for this.
  • There is some hope that Metformin has some anti-prostate-cancer action. But there is no phase 3 clinical trial evidence for this.
  • It is difficult for men to take both because the combination leads to gastro-intestinal troubles.
  • So men need to pick one.
  • Metformin wins. Why?

Side effects of hormone therapy include metabolic syndrome - a tendency to higher blood pressure and diabetes.

There is good phase 3 clinical trial evidence that Metformin will help prevent pre-diabetes becoming full blown diabetes.

American medical oncologist Dr Charles "Snuffy" Myers explains in this YouTube video.

Note that your doctor will slowly introduce a larger dose of Metformin to avoid gastro side effects.

Note that for a small number of men your doctor may have to take you off Metformin if you lose too much weight.

Note that Metformin may deplete vitamin B12, so your doctor will check this and add B12 if necessary.

... end Jim

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I recently sent information regarding the importance of checking one's Prolactin level.  That same paper is included in this report of information from Life Extension regarding Metformin.  Please take particular notice that Metformin can deplete one's Vitamin B12 level, thus that level must be determined and if depleted, Vitamin B12 prescribed (as explained) to bring that level within appropriate range.  It is also important to be prescribed Metformin in its ER (extended release) form to experience less side effects.  As also explained in this paper is the importance of having one's Thyroid level checked.  Please open and read http://tinyurl.com/oyymm4h 

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Hi Charles

I have been taking Zoladex since Feb17 and my BMI has increased over this period even though I am on a restricted diet and also average 1hr of cardio/resistance training per day. My Dr started me on Metformin 6 months ago 2 x 500 tablets with dinner due to an increase in blood sugar levels which have now settled down to acceptable levels. My biggest issue is excess body fat around the girth area. Diet and exercise are not reducing BMI so possibly an increase in Metformin levels might help.



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I started Metformin about 4 months ago, after reading about the anti-cancer potential. I didn't know about B12 supplementation, but I take 3 caps a week of B12 (M,W,S) 1,000mcg/dose mostly due to the fact I eat a largely plant based diet and don't get B12 from my diet. Thanks Chuck for pointing that out. Thanks also for mentioning the extended release version, I'll look into that. My Oncologist wouldn't prescribe Metformin for me, so my GP wrote the script after I showed her a file full of supporting evidence. The only side effect I've had is I've lost about 8 KGs since starting and I have less appetite and food doesn't have the appeal it used to have for me. I have also read that some guys get 'trigger finger' which I understand is pain in the joints of the index finger, but I have had no issues with that. Following is my list of evidence I took to my GP:

1. "the impact of metformin use on survival in prostate cancer" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5725033/

2. "diabetes drug showing promise for prostate cancer" https://www.harvardprostateknowledge.org/diabetes-drug-showing-promise-for-prostate-cancer-treatment

3. "Metformin Use al all-cause and Prostate Cancer-Specific Mortality" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23918942

4. "Metformin may have Broad Utility in Cancer" Oncolog, MD Anderson's Report to Physicians.Nov/Dec 2014 Vol.59 No. 11/12 page4 " https://www.mdanderson.org/documents/publications/oncolog/November-December 2014.pdf 





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Hi Paul

What dosage of Metformin are you taking?







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8 hours ago, Sean said:

Hi Paul

What dosage of Metformin are you taking?








Hi Sean, 2x500mg breakfast and dinner.

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Also Dr Mark Moyad used the acronym SAM for Statin, Aspirin, Metformin. He said all guys with advanced PCa should be on this combination.

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