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Free registration an the PCRI annual prostate cancer patient conference in LA, USA in September 2018

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Every year in September, the Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI) holds the largest prostate cancer patient conference in the world in Los Angeles, USA.


The conference, moderated by Dr Mark Moyad, attracts top doctors from around the world to give keynote presentations and separate live Q&A's in breakout sessions. It attracts patients, caregivers and support group leaders and members from around the world.


Details, and this year's program, can be found at:



Last year I did a couple of YouTube videos about the benefits of attending, and how to get the most out of your conference:

6 Reasons to go to a PCRI Prostate Cancer Conference



Get the most from PCRI annual conference




Each year, the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA), with which we are affiliated, sends a small official delegation. PCFA, is once again sending an official delegation (Jim Marshall and Tony Maxwell). 


Each year several members attend at their own expense. Last year there were six people in the Aussie contingent. Costs this year are USD $132 per night at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott hotel. After the conference there is an optional Warner Brothers Studio tour for USD $60. And, of course, your airfares, etc.


PCRI director, Alex Scholz, has offered to give free registration (USD $120) and access to VIP and Exhibitors events to members of the official delegation.


So, if you are going to go to the conference at your own expense, and would like to be part of the official  delegation, reply to this email and let me know, and I will arrange your complementary registration.


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