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Hard of hearing? Use Cc: Closed Captions All of our YouTube videos to date have Closed Captions. 


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What are Closed Captions

Closed Captions are subtitles of everything that is said. YouTube has automatically generated Closed Captions. These are often not very useful because they miss-translate many words, especially technical terms like drug names.

So we provide special fairly accurate Closed Captions for all our YouTube videos.

It takes a great deal of work to type out the words someone says in a video, and then to match the timing of the words to the video. Thankfully, members have volunteered to take on this task, particularly Len Wise and Nev Black.


How do you know there are special Closed Captions in a video


There is a small CC box beside the title.


Turn closed captions on and off


Click on the CC button.


Example from David's Story


Example from Mark Moyad Prostate Cancer Research Report 2017 



Special closed captions can be useful to show you technical terms.


Try it now on the two mentioned videos


Click on the picture to watch the YouTube Video where David tells of his life with metastatic prostate cancer. (11 minutes, Cc)



Click on the picture to watch the YouTube Video of the audio of a meeting Dr Mark Moyad had with the Australian Advanced Prostate Cancer Support Group (2 hours 30 minutes, Cc)


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