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Xofigo (Radium-223) treatment: Time to thank those who supported us


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Our campaign to gain approval of Xofigo (Radium-223) treatment for prostate cancer in bones has been a success. The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) has recommended subsidised access to men who need it. The decision only awaits Cabinet approval.

Time to thank those who helped.

If you contacted your local member, or the Honourable the Minister, you may wish to thank them for their support.

Below is my letter to my local member:


Hon. Jane Prentice, MP
Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services

Dear Assistant Minister
In March this year I asked for your support in getting the approval rules changed so a new type of prostate cancer treatment (Xofigo) could be made available to Australian men.

You took my concerns to the Hon the Minister for Health.

I am pleased to inform you that the minister acted, the rules were changed, and yesterday the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) announced that it recommended that Xofigo (Radium-223) be approved for supply under the PBS.

This decision will improve the lives of thousands of men over the next few years. On behalf of these men and their families, I thank you for your help.


Jim Marshall
Australian Advanced Prostate Cancer Support Group
4 Balmore Street
Indooroopilly Qld 4068

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Congrats Jim, it will benefit many men.  I have just had my fourth treatment with Xofigo.  All is well.  I'd be happy to talk to anyone who interested.
Hal Lucas

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Long Story short, My Dad has bone mets, but his PSA have come down from ~800 in August down to 24 in October after a combination of bicalutamide/Zoladex. As he has widespread mets, am I right my that my father is not eligible for Xofigo on the PBS till his PSA levels rise again?


Due to his late diagnosis and frailty, he can't get chemo and has only had one targeted dose of radiation on the pelvis to relive pain and increase mobility. He also has heart problems.

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Jim Marshall (not a doctor) said ...

The exact PBS conditions will not be known until Cabinet approves the expenditure. (Provision has already been made in the budget for the expenditure, so no long delay is expected.)

However, "Castrate resistant metastatic prostate cancer" will be a likely term.

Castrate resistance is most usually shown by a rise in PSA while hormone therapy (ADT) is keeping the testosterone super low (at castrate levels).

So, you are right. Doctors will probably be looking for rising PSA, probably with more than one rise with tests separated by time. (I have heard of a week or two or three in separation of tests in serious cases.)

... end Jim

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