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Xofigo (Radium-223) treatment recommended for approval for subsidised supply in Australia


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There are two committees that recommend public expenditure on medical treatments in Australia - the Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC).


The MSAC approved the use of Xofigo for prostate cancer patients in 2014.


The PBAC announced approval of Xofigo for prostate cancer patients today (15 December 2017).


The delays were due in part to this being the first treatment that needs to be paid for by both Medicare and the PBS. New rules had to be made.


Ministerial approval can be expected in the near future, and men who need this treatment for prostate cancer in the bones will be able to get it.


Many of our members sent submissions to both the MSAC and the PBAC, and I am convinced that had a big part to play in the result.


Members should know that although I fronted this campaign, speaking to parliamentary lunches, and to public meetings and parliamentarians in marginal electorates, and making the videos, all Executive Committee members contributed to the campaign, and that one, the late Paul Hobson, was the real driving force behind this result.


Thanks go to all who contributed.


Jim Marshall


Australian Advanced Prostate Cancer Support Group


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Thanks for that news Jim, and a very big thanks to all those who helped make this happen.

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Thanks Jim for this marvellous news.

Our group was a major driver in getting to this point.

The PBS/MBS combined approach was all our work and broke the previous logjam.

I think we can be confident a speedy approval by the Minister will follow.

A great pity that this all comes too late for Paul Hobson.

Hopefully not too late however for so many more guys out there who can benefit from this new treatment.

Successful advocacy can be immensely satisfying.


Tony M

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Thanks Jim, Very well done to all members past and present. This news helps to show the value and importance of lobbying. What a great Christmas present for men with boney mets.



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Congratulations to all who played the important role of encouraging approval of Xofigo/Alpharadin/Radium 223 for prostate cancer patients in Australia experiencing metastases to bone and the uncomfortable - sometimes debilitating - pain that can accompany.

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