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David's story hits ten thousand views tonight


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Men and their partners from around Australia, from around the world, have drawn strength from listening to David's story - 7 years with metastatic prostate cancer.



Congratulations, and many thanks, David.



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My congratulations, too, to David for not only his providing this video, but for his involvement in Prostate Cancer advocacy and awareness.  I would like to know if David is, or will be, keeping us posted on his diagnostics and medications to manage his continuing cancer as time goes on.  Unfortunate that he initially didn't recognize his pain symptoms as more than sciatica pain; likely a man like too many who prefer to live with pain for a period until they just cannot anymore.  Certainly with pain symptoms one should visit with a family doctor and if having learned of prostate cancer ask that doctor to run a PSA blood test, and if familiar with providing a Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) provide that as well.  Alternatively, to play it safe for the patient, refer him to a Urologist for these examinations.  I hope David is aware of the more recent medications that can delay tumor activity such as Zytiga/abiraterone Acetate and Xtandi/enzalutamide as well as the 5Alpha Reductase (5AR) inhibitor dutasteride/Avodart in use by many to control testosterone from converting to the more powerful stimulant dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to tumor cell development and proliferation.  Wishing you continued cancer control, David, and thank you for providing us "your story."  

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