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PCRI Annual Harry Pinchot Award

Charles (Chuck) Maack

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I personally had recommended Jim Marshall, and I would hope that those of you receiving this email keep in mind come 2018 to join together and send several, individual, recommendations to PCRI nominating Jim for the Harry Pinchot Award since Jim is certainly deserving of this recognition for all he has done for Prostate Cancer Advocacy, Awareness, government awareness, medication coverage, and improved treatment for men diagnosed with this insidious disease in Australia.


Harry Pinchot was the Prostate Cancer Patient for whom the Prostate Cancer Research Institute “PCRI Annual Harry Pinchot Award” came to be.  Harry, with advanced Prostate Cancer at diagnosis, fought his cancer for thirteen years before succumbing to this insidious men’s disease.  In the meantime, Harry, rather than accept the conclusions of various physicians who anticipated he had only months to possibly a year or two left to live, involved himself in deep research and study of Prostate Cancer to determine for himself what should be his most appropriate treatment.  At the same time, he became PCRI’s Program Director for over a decade, and was known as “Helpline Harry” because he was always taking calls from concerned prostate cancer patients. His devotion to the mission of educating men and highlighting the plight of those affected by the disease earned him national recognition.  Please open the attachment to hear Harry’s poignant reflection on his journey with Prostate Cancer.


During this period of Harry’s journey and involvement to help others, I, too, was similarly involved, but personally with the development of my website www.theprostateadvocate.com as an advocate regarding Prostate Cancer and as a Mentor working online voluntarily with patients and their caregivers throughout the world. Being honored in 2012 as a recipient of the “PCRI Annual Harry Pinchot Award” was very humbling and I could not help but feel at that time that Harry would have been proud that I had been following his similar path.  This year, 2017, Steve Hentzen of Kansas City, a co-founder of Prostate Network https://www.prostatenetwork.org/, was honored with this prestigious award.  The notation that comes with the award recognizes “accomplishments and personal attributes that show excellence in prostate cancer education, research, advocacy, and community support.”


Prostate Cancer Networking Group


We invite all prostate cancer survivors, their partners and those helping in the fight to join us.



The Prostate Advocate


The Prostate Advocate website is dedicated to providing useful resources towards understanding prostate cancer, its treatment, and the treatment of the side effects ...


Charles (Chuck) Maack - Prostate Cancer Patient/Activist/Reduced Activity as  Mentor (Because of age related health issues, had to limit what had been worldwide daily mentoring)

(A mentor should be someone who offers courtesy, professionalism, respect, wisdom, knowledge, and support to help you achieve your goals; would that I succeed)


Always as close as the other end of your computer to help address any prostate cancer concerns.


"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others."


“A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you will remember. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.”


   “Sepius Exertus, Semper Paratus, Semper Fortis, Semper Fidelis, Fraters Infinitas”

“Often tested, Always Prepared, Always Courageous, Always Faithful, Brothers Forever"


Recipient 2008 Us TOO Intl., Inc., Prostate Education & Support Network 1st “Edward C. Kaps Hope Award”

Recipient 2012 Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI) “Harry Pinchot Award”

Recipient 2016 Us TOO Intl., Inc. Certificate for 20 Years Dedication/Inspiration


Email: maack1@cox.net

My website http://www.theprostateadvocate.com


In my Lord I put my trust…

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Hey Chuck, This is a great thing you're doing. Can you post a link where we can vote for Jim?

When I was first diagnosed 18 months ago, one of the first things I did was join this site and I got a call from Jim. He shared his experience with me and helped me calm down from the initial shock.

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What you read above was my following the lead of Nev Black surferscentury@hotmail.com of Australia whom also submitted an excellent nomination to PCRI for the 2017 Harry Pinchot Award.  With another man receiving that award this year, we should now strive to round up all of the men in Australia and New Zealand to be sure to submit their nominations of Jim come nomination time in 2018.  My suggestion is that you all contact Nev to provide him your email addresses so that he can contact you at the 2018 submission time to all get your ducks in a row and flood PCRI with the nomination of Jim.  PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND and provide Nev your email address NOW so he has it to encourage every man in Australia with Prostate Cancer or having had prostate cancer to join us in this important recognition of a deserving Jim Marshall.



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For information of all reading this, the following are the submissions of Nev Black and I to PCRI this year, and will likely be similar next year.  This gives you an idea of what YOU can include in your nomination in 2018:


From: Charles Maack [mailto:maack1@cox.net]
Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2017 2:12 PM
To: 'info@pcri.org' <info@pcri.org>
Subject: Candidate from Australia for the 2017 PCRI "HARRY PINCHOT AWARD"


To whom may help me with the submission of my choice for consideration for the 2017 PCRI “HARRY PINCHOT AWARE.”


In not having information as to address, phone number, etc., regarding my candidate for consideration, Jim Marshall of Australia, I must seek your support to include my submission supporting this OUTSTANDING candidate for the 2017 PCRI “HARRY PINCHOT AWARD.”  My submission follows and I would deeply appreciate an acknowledgement of receipt of this email and that I provided sufficient information that my submission will be included with any other submissions regarding this very special man who has dedicated himself to the rise in Prostate Cancer support from the Australian government:




In Harry Pinchot's honor, I, along with the many Prostate Cancer patients, survivors, and advocates in Australia, join them requesting PCRI recognize unsung heroes like Jim Marshall, who are out there making a difference in other people’s lives.



I have exchanged many emails with Jim Marshall as well as other Prostate Cancer patients/survivors/advocates in both Australia as well as New Zealand.  Jim has been a HUGE part of the ground-roots impetus to the growth of Prostate Cancer awareness in both those countries engaging himself in seeking support to many levels of government to herald the importance of support for Prostate Cancer awareness as well as appropriate financial support as part of the health care funding provided by those countries.  As a recipient of the 2012 PCRI "HARRY PINCHOT AWARD," I STRONGLY support the submissions by people from Australia encouraging considering Jim Marshall as a recipient for the 2017 PCRI "HARRY PINCHOT AWARD," and could not express that support any better than that submitted by Neville Black below.  Neville has provided a very comprehensive explanation of the efforts of Jim Marshall to make Australia a country that is growing almost daily in supporting not only awareness of Prostate Cancer, but providing the top availability of education and training to physicians regarding  Prostate Cancer so that they have become specialists to provide the latest forms of imaging, treatment, and medications enhancing extremely improved results to patient treatment.  I STRONGLY request your consideration to recognize this OUTSTANDING individual who, it is obvious, has dedicated himself to  saving the lives of men in his country by the many efforts/action outlined by Neville Black.


Charles (Chuck) Maack

Recipient of the 2012 PCRI “HARRY PINCHOT AWARD”

Email: maack1@cox.net

Phone: 316-993-6997

Website: www.theprostateadvocate.com     




The parallels between the stories of Jim Marshall and Harry Pinchot are remarkable.


Education focus

Like Harry, Jim has had a lifetime passionate belief in the importance of education, which, after a lifetime in teaching and education, he then applied to helping men and their partners understand their disease, understand their treatments, and learn from the prostate cancer journeys of others.


Local support group start

Like Harry, Jim's story started with a local prostate cancer support group, and his expertise developed from extensive reading of the literature, honed by discussion with many medical professionals, and conversations with an enormous number of men and their partners. Despite Jim often beginning with "I am not a doctor ..." thousands have recognised that he clearly knows what he is talking about, and can be trusted. Jim has continued to be committed to local support groups, visiting numerous groups all around the country as guest speaker.


Compassionate help on the phone

Like Harry, Jim recognised early on the power of a conversation on the phone to help a man or his partner gain some feeling of control of the journey they are on. Very few realise how many men with prostate cancer contact Jim each week. Several conversations per week last for an hour or more. Many wives, partners, daughters or sons also make contact, some just for a chat which can give reassurance to the whole family involved. An unfortunate side of being a Convenor of an advanced group is the number of seriously ill men the group has at any one time. Several members succumb to the disease each year. It takes a special person to talk with patients and family members at this time of loss. Jim has been that person.


Many families have said a special thank you to Jim for his compassion.


National organisation

Like Harry, Jim saw the power of a national organisation to provide a focus for men and their partners with advanced prostate cancer, and in 2011 his small informal group was transformed into the Australian Advanced Prostate Cancer Support Group, and affiliated with the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA). In August 2011 a nationwide linkup was held - a world first - and has been held every month since then (72 so far), for men and their partners to hear expert speakers, to ask questions, and to discuss their journeys. This began as a nationwide exercise, but when Jim's mentor Chuck Maack became the first to join from the USA it became international.


Using technology

Like Harry, Jim recognised the utility of technology in bringing information to men and their partners, and created an online website and forums in 2011. In 2012 Jim began producing DVDs and started a Twitter feed and a YouTube channel. The website has had more than 500,000 non-member views; the forums have had more than 2690 posts; On Twitter, Jim has posted 1396 tweets; and during the past year, an average of 70 people each day have viewed one of Jim's YouTube videos.



Like Harry, Jim has taken advocacy for men with advanced prostate cancer to the nation. Just this year, for instance, Jim has twice been invited to address Members of Parliament in the nation's Parliament House, has travelled thousands of kilometres to address meetings in marginal electorates, and done press, radio and television interviews to press for funding for prostate cancer drugs and support services in conjunction with, and supported by, the PCFA.


An extra international dimension

In Australia, Jim is very well known as an advocate for men with advanced prostate cancer and the people who care for them. But, around the world, as JimJimJimJim, he has an even bigger following. On YouTube, 51% of his viewers are from the USA (UK 10%, Canada 5%, India 3%). Jim is seen and heard for more than 5 hours every day by people outside Australia who seek to understand their journey. The JimJimJimJim website and Forums show similar international viewing figures. (Google JimJimJimJim, or YouTube JimJimJimJim.)



The esteem in which Jim is held in the prostate cancer community is exemplified by:


World Cancer Congress: Jim was selected to join a panel on the main stage, and to make a separate presentation in a side venue (on peer-to-peer support, and appropriate technology, respectively).


Senate Inquiry into the availability of new, innovative and specialist cancer drugs: Jim was called to testify before the Senate inquiry.

PCRI Annual Conference: Mark Moyad brought Jim on to the main stage and presented him, Oprah Winfrey style, with Foster's lager, a boomerang, and other presents to ease his "homesickness".


PCRI Annual Conference: Mark Moyad brought Jim on to the main stage to present him with a "Mark Moyad Challenge Winner 2016" T-shirt.


In the Senate Annexe, in front of assembled Members of Parliament, Senators, and members of the prostate cancer community, Jim was presented with the PCFA Max Gardner Award, which read "Jim Marshall: In recognition of distinguished service and outstanding contribution in the Australian community."

The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) has chosen Jim to lead a PCFA delegation to the 2017 PCRI Annual Conference.


Jim has made an amazing contribution to men with advanced prostate cancer, and those who care for them, both in Australia and around the world.

We call for his amazing contribution to be recognised by a 2017 Harry Pinchot Award.


Neville Black


Australian Advanced Prostate Cancer Support Group

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Hi Chuck ,

 It is pleasing to know you are supportive of the submission of Jim Marshall as a candidate for the PCRI "HARRY PINCHOT AWARD," this year.

It goes without saying that Jim would be a most worthy and deserving recipient of this prestigious award and your support this year, will I trust, encourage members of our group here in Australia to support the recognition of Jim's efforts over many years assisting men like me that have Prostate Cancer.

Members, it’s time to show appreciation – let’s get behind Chuck and Neville and nominate Jim Marshall for this year’s PCRI "HARRY PINCHOT AWARD.

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