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Mark Moyad joins Advanced phone-in meeting again Friday 25 August 2017: Put it in your diary


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Wherever you are on Friday 25 August 2017, find a phone. The world's top expert on complementary and alternative medicine will be online for our phone-in meeting. Dr Mark Moyadwill join us from the University of Michigan, USA, on the topic:

Prostate Cancer: What's New?


Most new announcements of developments in prostate cancer happen at two global conferences of medical experts - AUA (Boston, May) and ASCO (Chicago, June).

Mark will review for us the biggest findings

from these 2 global meetings, which include:

  • Erectile disfunction;
  • ADT side effects;
  • Supplements and Diet;
  • Other drugs; 
  • and more.


Beside probably knowing more about supplements than anyone else on earth, Dr Mark Moyad has for some years concentrated on helping men with prostate cancer. You will have seen his monthly articles in US Too Hotsheets, or come across his books, or seen videos of him at the PCRI annual 


Prostate Cancer Conferences. The PCRI conference is the biggest prostate cancer patient conference in the world, and Mark has been its Moderator for the past 10 years.


So, reserve Friday Friday 25 August 2017 to hear wisdom and ask questions. 

Warning: This session will start early. Details to members of the Advanced Group later.

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