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Bipolar Androgen Therapy YouTube video now has Closed Captions (Cc)

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All our YouTube videos have Closed Captions.


We usually have the Closed Captions in place before we publish the video on our YouTube channel.


But for the recent video on Bipolar Androgen Therapy we published the video before the Closed Captions were finished.


Member Len Weis has now, once again, finished this enormous task. Many thanks Len.


Closed Captions are for the hard of hearing, and, beside what is spoken, may tell of sounds, music, etc.

We do it for four reasons:

  • for viewers who are hard of hearing;
  • for viewers who wish to make out particular words (like drug names); 
  • to clarify parts with poor sound quality; and
  • the words in closed captions are used by search engines, so people can find what they want.

Turning Closed Captions on and off.

After the video starts playing, move your mouse to the bottom of the video. A line of options appears at the bottom of the video. Click on Cc to start or stop the Closed Captions.


If you missed the posting, or if you really needed the the Closed Captions to understand what was said, the video can be seen at:


If you haven't seen the JimJimJimJim YouTube Channel: here it is:


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