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Consumer Advisory Committee


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GenesisCare has established a National Consumer Advisory Committee that meets every two months in Sydney.  

The current committee  has been operating for the past six months and will continue for a further six months. 


Committee members are all people who have experienced cancer and its treatments and have been drawn from all states.


The purpose of the committee is to provide patient-perspective, advice and suggestions to GenesisCare in the planning, delivery,

evaluation and reform of its services so that GenesisCare may deliver the highest possible standards in patient treatment and care.


The meetings to date have been quite productive and the management team at GenesisCare is pleased with the outcomes.


The next meeting is schedule for the end of January and if you have any particular ideas and suggestions that you believe

would improve cancer patient care during and/or post treatment I would be very pleased to present them at this meeting.

Ultimately, the broader and more diverse the spectrum of ideas and suggestions the better the standard of service.


At one meeting an article published in the November issue of Harvard Business Review titles "When the customer is stressed"

was a topic of discussion. The article referenced cancer treatment in the United States as the gold standard for customer care.

It is a very interesting article and promoted quite a deal of thought and discussion at the meeting.  It is well worth the read so

here is the link:


http://hbr.org.2015/10/when-the-customer-is-stressed  (error in hyperlink?)




You may provide feedback via this forum or, site rules permitting, directly to me,  jdowling@tpg.com.au


Regards and best wishes for 2016


John  Dowling







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