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Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer in the last 12 months?

Paul Edwards

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The University of South Australia are looking for men who are within 1 year of receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis, and their partners, to volunteer in a study which will explore experiences of prostate cancer in everyday life.


The study involves a recorded telephone interview of about 30 minutes. 


Movember is funding the study. Professor Suzanne Chambers from Griffith University is one of the Study Investigators.



If you are interested in participating, please call Katrina Stamp on (08) 8128 4092 or email her at Katrina.stamp@sahmri.com



[To achieve better outcomes for men with prostate cancer we need more research about the effects and treatment of prostate cancer.  Unfortunately researchers often find it difficult to recruit the necessary number of participants to achieve results that will be statistically valid.  The aim of this study is to look at ways that quality of life can be improved in the initial period after a prostate cancer diagnosis. If you've been diagnosed in the last 12 months, please consider participating in this study.  I assure you that good Karma will result from participating in the study.]

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