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This year's exercise program for prostate cancer survivors at UQ will start in the first week of April 2014

Nev Black

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Exercise Program for Prostate Cancer Survivors.

Final year Clinical Exercise Physiology students will be conducting an exercise program specifically designed for Prostate Cancer survivors in April-May 2014.    


The program is free of charge and includes:


       Six exercise sessions supervised by qualified exercise physiologists to train strength, aerobic fitness, balance and pelvic floor.             

      Assessments of aerobic fitness, muscle strength, blood   pressure, heart rate, balance and flexibility.    


       A personalised home exercise   program.             


    Participants must be able to commit to all 6 sessions and are asked to choose one of the   following 3 groups:  


GROUP 1 Wednesday 13:00-14:00  2nd, 16th, 30th April, and 7th,14th, 21st May


GROUP 2 Thursday 9:30-10:30  3rd, 17th April, and 1st, 8th, 15th, 22st May      


GROUP 3  Thursday   12:30-13:30   3rd, 17th April, and 1st,      8th,       15th, 22st May    



Sessions will take place in the School of Human Movement Studies, at the  University of Queensland’s St Lucia campus. 


 Participants are required to provide medical clearance prior to the initial      fitness assessment.     


 Parking for the duration of the program will be free of charge.


If you would like to participate, or would like more information, please contact  

Ilaria Croci, PhD.  E-mail:   i.croci@uq.edu.au (preferred),

Or phone: 3365 6851  or   



The program is free of charge and there is place for 22 men. Results from previous years have been extremely positive, with statistically significant improvements in both physiological and psycho-social outcomes.


This program has been running yearly since 2009 and has received media attention:




We are aiming to complete registrations in the next 10-15 days, so hopefully we can get the message across to as many men as possible in the next few days.


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