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Encore: New report from Chuck on abiraterone before chemotherapy


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Back in September 2011 we reported that Chuck Maack, an American supporter of men with prostate cancer, was taking abiraterone/Zytiga 'off label'.

'Off label' means your doctor is giving you a drug for a use that has not yet been approved, and not as part of a trial.

'On label' for abiraterone/Zytiga in the USA is after chemotherapy.

Chuck's use is off label because he is using it before chemotherapy, rather than other secondary hormone therapy drugs like ketoconazole or nilutamide.

Off label usually means that you meet the full cost of the drug.

Chuck's 6 months of treatment will probably cost $30,000.

Chuck updated his status on Christmas Eve to say that after almost 4 months of treatment his PSA has dropped significantly, testosterone has dropped, and there were no cancer cells circulating in his blood.

Read the details in the latest reply to the original topic here:

Abiraterone before chemotherapy


Abiraterone before chemotherapy

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