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Other sites we should have links to


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Jim Marshall (not a doctor) said ...

These suggested links are now available on a separate part of the site.

Find them by clicking on the Links Directory near the top centre of this and every page.

Note: these links do not come up in the usual forum search. Instead, you should go to the Links Directory and do a search there.

... end Jim

If not already there we should get a series of links to important sites

prominently accessible and briefly described on the Community

Would include (probably among many others)


Andrology Australia

Us TOO (incl advanced pack and advanced support groups, Hotmail library,

Inspire site and Prostate Pointers email contact)

Prostate Cancer International (Mike Scott USA - Mike was in same working

group as Gerry and me in Chicago and I have communicated with him several

times since - he runs a great web and forum site)

Possibly Gerry Chodak site below

Chuck Maack Prostate Pointers contact and his information base



American Cancer Society

NCCN Guidelines (USA)

Snuffy Myers

Mark Scholz, Dr Lam, Stephen Strum

Various UK, Canadian and NZ sites - there is some good stuff in Canada

Etc etc

Regards Tony

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great idea, Tony.

I agree with you Fred that PubMed and PCRI should be in.

To make the list less daunting, I suggest we divide it up into sections, or even into separate posts, with headings like:

Newsletter sites

Video sites

Advanced sites

Newly advanced resources (I am thinking of the UsToo Advanced pack).

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Fred - agree about PCRI and PubMed.

Jimmy - agree about the division.

Separate posts seems best to me.

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  • 3 months later...

I would add The Prostate Advocate which has a mass of stuff from Chuck Maack on prostate cancer including advanced - very valuable.

The Links area of the site is too important to be buried in the Lounge - it must be an item on the main menu.

What do we need to do Jim to action these Links proposals?

Regards Tony Maxwell

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  • 7 months later...

Tony; I am new to this forum but I agree links to good sites dealing with this disease are paramount for members. I would like to to reccommend a site called Gregs Legacy. http://kingvalley.wordpress.com/ This is a site operated by Greg Naylor of Victoria. It has been in existence since Greg was diagnosed with terminal cancer four years ago. Greg is currently unwell but his site has invaluable technical and personal warts and all information for anyone with advanced prostate cancer. I have been a contributer to this site since may this year. Greg is fast approaching the end and is hoping for this site to be continued by others sharing the saame diagnosis.

Lee aka popeye

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This is a difficult one for me.

On the one hand Greg's site has some wonderful personal stories - warts and all as you say.

But, on the other hand our site is dedicated to passing on information for which there is clear evidence.

To depart from this is "biting the hand that feeds us" - Our teleconference facility, and other expenses are covered by the Prostate Foundation of Australia (PCFA) using, in part, funds supplied by the Movember organization. Both these organizations clearly state that the funds are to be used on evidence based medicine.

More than that, I personally have watched someone die a very poor, lonely death at a young age because of following non-standard treatments. At the same time (18 years ago) I was a couple of beds away getting a cure from the standard medical practice.

So, I am worried that if we recommended Greg's site, some of our less sophisticated members may be led away from treatment that may extend life or improve quality of life, thinking that we endorse it.

Someone who was prepared to do a lot of work could rework the stories leaving out the potentially harmful bits, but I think Greg would not be happy with this, believing as he does that there is some merit in these bits.


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Jim: Thank you for your reply to my post here regarding the web site Greg's Legacy. I see your point and understand how this works on this site regarding factual information being presented to members. I also agree that Greg would not be a happy person if his stuff was altered in any way.

Lee aka Popeye

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