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9 in 10 men with advanced prostate cancer had gene mutations that could be targeted with drugs.

Paul Edwards

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Thanks to  Chuck Maack for alerting us to this.



A collaboration between leading US and British Cancer Centres has been described as a landmark study.  Click on this link to read a report of the study.



Chuck's comment

This appears to be terrific news.  The problem now is whether or not the researchers get fast-track funding to continue their research to determine which medications currently are correct for which genomic defects, and what medications are available and might be used singularly or in combination with other medications to go after the other genomic defects.


Then…and we don’t know when…we are going to need government approval for coverage for the gene testing that will permit Medicare to cover that expense.....


And (another) then, we will need FDA approval (in Australia, TGA approval) for those medications not yet developed/determined or approved for prostate cancer, but now necessary, as well as may need combining with other medications. 


So, it looks like now it will be a matter of time and how fast-track they continue this research.


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