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Xofigo (Radium 223) - Getting there

Paul Edwards

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At its April 2014 meeting the Medical Services Advisory Committee considered an application by Bayer to list Xofigo (radium 223) on the Medicare Benefits Schedule.  Xofigo (radium 223) is a new drug which significantly increases life expectancy and quality of life for men with castration-resistant prostate cancer who have bone metastases.


The advice to the Health Minister from the Medical Services Advisory Committee has now been made public.


The good news is that the Medical Services Advisory Committee has recommended that Xofigo be supported for public funding and listed on the Medicare Benefits Schedule.


However, the price for Xofigo recommended by the Medical Services Advisory Committee was not acceptable to Bayer.


It's not uncommon for the Government to reject the initial price claimed by a drug company or for a drug company to reject the inital price offered by the Government


Bayer is continuing to negotiate the price of the drug with the Government.  Bayer said that it "hopes to resolve the outstanding issues...... and to provide Australian patients with access to the drug in a timely manner".

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