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Enzastaurin doesn't work if used alone


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Oral enzastaurin in prostate cancer: A two-cohort phase II trial in patients with PSA progression in the non-metastatic castrate state and following docetaxel-based chemotherapy for castrate metastatic disease -

Monday, 19 April 2010

Department of Solid Tumor Oncology, Taussig Cancer Institute, Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Ave R35, Cleveland, OH, 44195, USA.

dreicer@ccf.orgThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

Enzastaurin is an oral serine/threonine kinase inhibitor of the beta isoform of protein kinase C that may have therapeutic activity in prostate cancer. We explored the efficacy of enzastaurin on two cohorts of patients with prostate cancer progression in the castrate state.

A two-cohort phase II trial was conducted, with both groups participating simultaneously. Cohort 1 consisted of patients with non-metastatic castrate prostate-specific antigen progressive disease. Cohort 2 consisted of patients with castrate metastatic disease with progression following docetaxel-based chemotherapy. Patients in both cohorts received 500 mg/day enzastaurin.

Therapy was well tolerated in both cohorts. One complete response was observed in Cohort 1, with limited activity in the majority of patients. In Cohort 2, no objective responses were seen and the median progression-free survival (11 weeks [90% confidence interval: 7.6, 11.7]) did not differ from the historical control.

Enzastaurin as a single agent has limited activity in castrate progressive prostate cancer. Evaluation in combination with docetaxel is ongoing.

Written by:

Dreicer R, Garcia J, Hussain M, Rini B, Vogelzang N, Srinivas S, Somer B, Zhao YD, Kania M, Raghavan D. Are you the author?

Reference: Invest New Drugs. 2010 Apr 6. Epub ahead of print.

doi: 10.1007/s10637-010-9428-0

PubMed Abstract

PMID: 20369375 Forum: New agents Title: Enzastaurin doesn't work if used alone

This extract can be found on http://PubMed.com, and is in the public domain.

On PubMed.com there will be a link to the full paper (often $30, sometimes free).

Any highlighting (except the title) is not by the author, but by Jim Marshall.

Jim is not a doctor.

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