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'The Language of Cancer' Webinar coming up tomorrow!!


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The language around cancer is very controversial. What some folks find quite offensive can motivate others, like for example the word 'survivor' or 'warrior'.


Join us on Monday night at 5 pm Pacific/ Tuesday morning Oz time to hear a panel of well qualified people living with cancer discuss this topic. Dr. Richard Wassersug Ph.D. , whomany of you know, will be presenting. It's free, drop-in (no reservation required) and you can join online of by phone ..... more information at https://ancan.org/event/the-language-of-cancer/ 


The URL for online connection is   https://www.gotomeet.me/AnswerCancer  


To dial-in, the local access code is +61/0 2 9091 7603 with a code of 222 583 973

If you do phone in, Dr. Wassersug's presentation is available at https://ancan.org/event/the-language-of-cancer/ 

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